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Richard Marr

Chief Executive Officer

Meet Richard

My background is in finance having trained as a Chartered accountant with PwC and working in audit before moving to the Corporate Finance team at PwC where I worked for 8 years.  During my time at PwC, I had insight and experience of employee ownership models whilst working with North-East based businesses that were sold to Employee Benefit Trusts to perpetuate the employee ownership model.  After a spell as finance director for a renewable energy company, I joined the eaga Trust as COO in November 2014.

Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my wife and 3 sons enjoying the beautiful Northumberland countryside.  This is usually exploring the hills and moors on bike or on foot, camping or developing our garden.  As a complete contrast, I am trustee of a charity that brings internationally renowned classical, jazz and traditional musicians to our rural location.

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