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Further Education Bursary

Get up to £2,000 to study…

Levels 1-4 | A Levels | T-Levels | Apprenticeships

What is the Further Education Bursary?

The Further Education Bursary is designed to support First Generation Members and Second Generation Members across the UK, with the costs of completing a Further Education course.

How it helps

The Further Education Bursary is designed to help ease costs incurred while in full-time education, such as travel, equipment and childcare.

Up to £2,000 spread over 2 academic years, as detailed below. You need to provide evidence of attendance and completion of the course to receive the payments.

1-year course (up to 2)

  • £600 paid 6 weeks after starting the course
  • £400 paid 8 weeks before the course ends

2-year course (only 1)

  • £600 paid 6 weeks after starting the course of years 1 & 2
  • £400 paid 8 weeks before the course ends of years 1 & 2

How does it work?

The bursary is open to all First and Second Generation UK Members who are studying a registered full-time course, which has been approved by the Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).

Courses included:

  • Education Levels 1-4 (includes HNC, NVQ or a recognised Government scheme)
  • A Levels (A levels will only be included within this programme if they are not part of continued statutory government education, i.e. studying A levels aged 16-19 will not be eligible but returning to education will be eligible).
  • T-Levels
  • Apprenticeships

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To find out more and to apply for this new benefit, visit the Education Bursary Programme in the Member Benefits section of the eaga Trust website.