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Skill-builder Plus


Easy access to a training development fund

What is Skill-builder Plus?

Skill-builder Plus is funding Members can use for a range of work-related opportunities, from professional training to personal development courses.

As a First Generation Member, you have a Skill-builder Plus account of £3,000 from which you can apply for funding. It’s open to all Members; whether unemployed, employed, self-employed or retired. In addition, Second Generation Members (over the age of 16) are eligible for their own £2,000 Skill-builder Plus account.

How it helps

Unlock opportunities for a promotion, pay rise, career change or increased job security with Skill-Builder Plus funding.

How does it work?

The funds do not need to be used at once; they are intended to be there for when you need them and can be used in one or more parts over a period of time.

You are expected to make a contribution of around 10% towards the cost of your training. Skill-builder Plus applications need to be linked to a current or future job, career progression or change in career. This includes skills that will help you re-skill to return to work after redundancy, change career or enhance skills in your current role.

Laura’s Story

Second Generation Member Laura used Skill-builder Plus to help her change careers, moving from nursing to horticulture and in 2018, we shared Laura’s progress in a video. We caught up with Laura again recently. Watch Laura’s full story to discover more about her Skill-builder Plus journey since 2018:

Laura Vear Story.mp4 from the eaga Trust on Vimeo.

Back to Member Benefits


To find out more and to apply for this new benefit, visit Skill-builder Plus in the Member Benefits section of the eaga Trust website.